This window is located on the left side of the screen:

Under 'Flight Groups" is listed all FGs of the mission, under "Messages" all radio messages, and under "Teams" you have access to the parameters for Teams.

"Flight Groups" and "Messages" toolbar

The four first icons allow you respectively to add a new FG/radio message, delete selected items, copy and paste the current item.

  These icons allow you to move up/down selected items in the list.

These icons are only activated in the registered version of AlliED. The two first allow you to load/save the current FG into a FG library (in order to use/reuse a FG in several mission for example), the last one toggles the WAV Manager Toolbar. By the way, this course won't cover the implementation of custom WAVs into XWA Missions, although it can be easily done with AlliED.

Flight Groups

All flight groups are listed there on this form, in the colour of their IFF Code:

Team   GG-GU   (#player)   # of waves x [number of crafts in each wave] Type Name

(Teams, IFF Codes, GGs and GUs will be explained in the next chapter.)

For example: 

Some other characters may follow this line: brackets indicate a FG goal is set up as primary goal, * that the FG is listed as "Mission Critical Craft", ^ that the FG is listed as "Primary Target". More details can be found in the AlliED manual.
You can select a FG by highlighting it in the list. Multiple selection is allowed with the use of the SHIFT and CTRL keys.


All radio messages are listed there, in the colour they will appear in the mission. When this window is selected, the datapad displays information on the current message instead of the information about the current FG.

   There you can change information about teams. "Team" is the information which tells if a flight group is on your side or not, rather than "IFF Code" like in Tie Fighter.

   You can there set the main IFF for the current team selected, choose which other teams are considered as allies (those in the list which are highlighted with a blue background), and write the radio messages displayed upon completion or failure of primary, secondary goals.

   The "Link Team by Radio" button set all FGs of the team to be linked by radio. You can circle through the several teams by using either the blue arrows or the Team Button in the main toolbar ().


Introduction - AlliED Interface - Mission Making - FAQs
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10