XWA Briefings, like TIE and XvT ones, are in fact a list of instructions, such as "add an icon", "display text" ...etc. AlliED allows you to to edit briefings in either a WYSIWYG mode ("WYSIWYG") or a list mode ("Instruction List"); in practice you will often use both. The third screen of this window ("Strings") allows you to edit the the map tags and briefing texts (Map tags are the texts shown on the briefing map, briefing texts the captions of the map).

    A great improvement over TIE and XvT is that you can use whichever icons you want for the briefing. In TIE and XvT, you could only use icons of the FGs used in the mission.


    There you can preview how the briefing will appear in  XWA; you can also add instructions using the toolbar. Instructions are added at the current time on the time bar:

Here is a description of the several functions available:

  Enable/disable the highlighting of the current selected icon by a small yellow box

  Enable/disable the numeration of icons

  These icons allow you to lock/snap icon dragging.

Generally, you will have some information displayed at the bottom of the screen about the instruction you are going to add when clicking on the following icons:

  Insert a page break. Page breaks determine where the briefing jumps when hitting the forward button in XWA briefing.

  Move Map

  Zoom Map

  Change the caption text of the briefing. Automatically add a page break just before the add text instruction (needed for the text to be displayed). The briefing text must have already been written in the "Strings" window.

  Boxes the current icon. You can only box 8 icons at a time. When using this instruction, it automatically uses an unused box instruction order (#1 to #8 in the instruction list)

  Clear all icon boxes

  Add a map tag. Like Caption texts, you need to write them first in the "Strings" window. 8 Map tags at a time only can be displayed (same as icon boxes).

  Clear all map tags

  Changes the displayed region. Automatically delete all icons.

  Add a new icon. The icon can be dragged once created to replace it the way you want.

  Current coordinates of the mouse cursor.

  Rotates the selected icon

  Mirrors the selected icon

  Erases the selected icon

  Highlights the selected icon with a box

  Displays in the briefing technical information on the ship represented by the selected icon
Moves the selected icon (actually change the icon position by a step (depending on the speed) and increase the current time)
(registered version only): allows you to specify the speed of the next icon move; you can even enable several types of deceleration/acceleration: these options will modify the current speed at each move.


Instruction List Window

    Here the briefing is displayed under a list of instructions. You can modify them, highlight one, information about this instruction is displayed on the right side of the screen. You can add instructions with the same toolbar which appears in the WYSIWYG window; instructions are added at the same time that the highlighted instruction. With some pratice you will learn what the symbols mean in the instruction list; load an original XWA mission, and check all those you don't know yet... You can move the current instruction in the list (so in the briefing time) with the arrow buttons.

    In the registered version, an icon allows you to delete all instructions - sometimes useful if your briefing crashes: the instruction list should end with an instruction labeled "<end marker>". Sometimes after some manipulations on your briefing, this instruction disappears, making the briefing crashes. The only solution I found is to delete all instructions. It doesn't happen often, but it's rather annoying... the AlliED briefing interface is still a bit buggy sometimes. For example, the WYSIWYG mode may be messed up when you move the time bar back in time after adding an instruction; just go to another window like the instruction list, and come back to WYSIWYG. 

Strings Window

    Allows you to edit map tags and string texts. You must add/edit them here before being able to add them in the briefing.


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