CHAPTER 3 - PLAYER FLIGHT GROUP & MOTHERSHIP Let's begin the mission creation itself. Create a new mission with AlliED. The FG list should have only one element, a lonely XW flight group, we will transform it into our player craft FG. but first of all, there are some little things to do before. Getting started - Mission parameters Go to the mission parameters window, the mission type should be "Rebel"/"Calamari Cruiser" (depending on the version). Name the several regions the way you want. In our example, we will name the first region: "Mothership", the second region "Pirate Convoy" Getting started - Teams Next step is to take care of the description of teams. Go to the Team page in the main page window. The player team is team 1, we are imperials so change the team 1 name to "Imperial", along with "IFF for autolink". Change others teams to fit with your plotline. In our example, we will set the third team to be "Pirate" with blue IFF. Reminder: the IFF does not determine the side of a FG, only Team, but generally you will use a different IFF code from yours for your enemies. Player FG Go back to the FG list, and modify the X/W flight group into the player FG you want with the datapad: Ship: set up the number/type of ships in the FG, its name, then make sure the Team is still "Team 1". Under player you should have "1", change all other options the way you want. For Radio, you should put "Player 1" to get voiced radio messages from your wingmen, when you are attacked, when they have problems etc. GG and GU may be set up later, but usually you will put "1" in each. NB: Status #22 would prevent pilot ejection for your wingmen (to fight against "ejected pilots filling"). In our example, we set up a 3 B/W flight group named Shadow, with some torpedoes. You may want to use "Invincible" and "Unlimited weapons" for the player FG during playtesting (or use the options available when pressing the ESC key during the game). Options: there, you can allow an alternative choice of weapons, crafts.. highlight the options you want. The "Options" page is only needed for the payer FG. Arrival: the FG must arrive at time=0 !! You can change the two first arrival condition strings to "100% of Flight Group (first FG of the list) must always true" to have the player FG in the "mission crafts" list (the one displayed at the beginnning of the briefing). Arrival/Departure: the player FG must have a mothership ! change the "via" info as soon as you have the mothership created. NB: the player FG can finish the mission in a cruiser different than the launching one. Other options: they will modified later. Let's add some other flight groups now, at least the mothership. Adding the mothership Click on the add FG icon. It should add an other FG to the list (an XW or whatever craft you have defined for default FG). Modify it into the wanted mothership. "Player" must be set at A.I.. Then don't forget to change the arrival/departure way of your player FG. In our example, we add an Imperial CRS named Warspite. Have a look on the map, and drag the several FGs to fit your desire. There must be a white "1" just under the player FG. Now your mission is "launchable",
i.e. you can run XWA with it, although you won't be able to complete it. You can
have a look at it in XWA at this step, but only if you enjoy flying around your
lonely mothership. Introduction
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