
So far so good. We can now create and maintain a basic article on the wiki.

But sometimes, you want more. For instance, I now have all the stats on the VSD Sinister at the bottom of the page. Yet, when I created my own wiki entry, there was stuff I could put in a box on the right side of the page. That is where I really want my data to show up.

To do this, the wiki offers you a number of so-called templates. These templates are for everybody to use. You don't need the complex programming that goes into them, all you need to do is feed the template with the data. For instance, just look at the template page for EH_Ship, the one I created for this. It looks like the image below. Notice how the left most tab is now no longer called article, but template.

This template will give you that nice box in your article, with some info. On the EH wiki, templates like these are used to store some statistics. Usually a list of things you'd wanna display for each item in a scertain category. All you need to do is copy what's inside, and paste it on your page. You fill in the data, and save. In case of the template holding an image, you'll need to upload the image.

The wiki has several templates already in place that you can use (however, currently only one is available):
  EH Character   (for information on a character)

As usual, it helps to see things for real:
  Use of the character template: wiki article for Anahorn Dempsey


Next, you should consider adding your article to a category. Actually, a category isn't very complex after all. It basically is a big index. For instance, there's a People of the Emperor's Hammer category, and a Ships of the Emperor's Hammer category.

To add your article to a category, simply put the following code at the bottom of your article: [[Category:category name]].

This will display a link to the category at the bottom of your article, and at the same time, your article will be added to the category list.

Needless to say, you should only add your article to relevant cetagories (yes, you can add it to more than one). As example, it would not be good to add your article on Cyclone Squadron to the Ranks of the Dark Brotherhood category, but it would fit in the Squadrons of the TIE Corps category.