Beta testing

If you become a beta tester (TCS) for the TAC Office, the following page is important. Once accepted, the TAC will give you testing assignments as they come up. You will then have two weeks to fill out a beta report form. The form can be found on the TAC Office website, in the database. Everything is automated :) You will fill out the form, and then your report will be added to the TAC database, where they are easily retrievable by the TAC, the CA:TAC and the assigned TCT.

The forms are basically the same, except for some small platform specific things. For instance, XvT does not have any post-mission briefings, so you won't be asked to report on it. Only TIE has a Secret Order guy, so only in a report for TIE will you be asked about it. Only XWA has a custom EH Crest. Below you will find a sample report for TIE Fighter. Note that the actual online form will be slightly different, but this will give you a good idea on what to expect.

Please note that TCS and TCT are hired and fired by the TAC as he feels like it. In theory, you can be removed from your position without warning, although that would rarely happen.

Every mission you test or correct gives you a beta point. The TAC database maintains your beta points, and you can always view them in your profile. When the times comes to award the TAC staff, the accumulated beta points will be used as a guideline on what medal to award. The TAC however has the right to award extra beta points at will, or deviate from the guidelines when awarding medals.

------- Emperor's Hammer Beta Testing Form ------- 
Battle name: 
Battle type: 
Difficulty level: 
Tester's ID Line: 
Tester's Email: 
[ ] Readme file 
[ ] Medal name/image included 
[ ] Plotline/storyline 
[ ] Patches needed 
[ ] Custom EH Crest 
[ ] Extra installation instructions required 
[ ] Extra installation instructions included 
[ ] custom WAV package included 
Plotline/Storyline problems: 
Readme file problems: 
Other text file problems: 
[ ] Officer briefings present 
[ ] Officer mission-failed briefings present 
[ ] Officer debriefings present 
[ ] Secret Order briefings present 
[ ] Secret Order mission-failed briefings present 
[ ] Secret Order debriefings present 
[ ] Animated map briefing present 
[ ] Inflight radio messages present present 
[ ] Appropriate content 
Pre-mission briefing errors: 
Post-mission briefing errors: 
Animated briefing errors: 
In-flight text messages errors: 
Gameplay errors: 
Additional review comments: 
Rating: (1-5) 
Aditional overall comments: