At the left of your screen you can find the course notes, as well as some other links. Please take a few moments to browse through the Tactical Manual, as there will be questions in the test about it!

Mission Creation is one of the essential things of the Emperor's Hammer. No matter how many new games and new factors come out within the Emperor's Hammer, the Mission Compendium will always be a very essential part of the group, and it is basically one of our largest recruitment tools. We have over 4,000 missions in the Compendium at the moment and it is imperative that this number grows for the simple fact that it is the driving force of our fleet, or at least the TIE Corps.

For this reason, it is very important that we have a consistent flow of new missions to the Tactical Office, as well as a consistent flow of new mission designers. This course will teach those designers how to abide by our rules and possibly make them better at plotlines and such. Many people before have held the postition of Tactical Officer, and all of them have been avid mission creators. I, too, have a large number of battles and missions on my profile, both flown and created. But, as with anything, having only a handful of people contribute is never a good thing. This course, as well as the Mission Creation courses, will teach you all you need to know about the process, so you too can become part of the Mission design team, and rack up some Medals of Tactics on your profile !

Furthermore, existing Mission creators are always willing to answer questions if you run into trouble. Previous TACs and course professors should be able to answer most if not all of your questions!

So pay attention, read the notes, learn something, and remember that I'm not teaching you HOW to create here, I'm teaching you WHAT to create.