Welcome to the TIE Fighter Mission Creation IWATS course (TM/3)


Who am I?

I am Professor FA Anahorn Dempsey, PIN #12519. You can view my personnel profile here. I currently serve as the Tactical Officer of the EH, and as such am responsible for the release of new missions and battles into the Compendium. Welcome, you who has chosen to join a vast number of people who create missions for TIE Fighter!
In this course I will teach you how to create missions for TIE Fighter using the TIE Fighter Workshop (TFW). You should have taken and passed the Tactical Mission Creation and Beta Testing Standards (MCBS) course, also under my scrutiny, before taking this course - MCBS explains what a good mission is made up of, and the do's and don'ts of mission creation. This course will sometimes mention some of these, but it will not go into much detail, and focus on the actual mission building itself.


Mission editors and builders

Of course, there are more editors out there. TIE Fighter Mission Builder (TMB) is a DOS based editor, and TIE Fighter Editor (TIEd) is a Windows based one. TFW falls somewhere in between. Although I have little experience with TMB when it comes to mission creation from scratch, I do know TIEd and TFW. When compared to TFW, TIEd has some advantages, and some drawbacks. Both also have their limitations, which is I why recently I started to actually use both, as far as TFW allows it. TFW sometimes has problems opening mission files created with TIEd. Should you choose to mix it up as I do, you should keep that in the back of your head. Also remember, that because TFW is the official mission builder, the TAC office and their members might have problems with missions they can't open.

The different editors are all available at the website of the Science Office

As said, TFW is the Emperor's Hammer's official TIE Fighter mission building platform, so this course is about that program. If you have any comments and/or suggestions feel free to send me an email. That means especially if there's part of the course you are having trouble with, or cannot figure out.

Enjoy the course. I hope you learn from it, and that we may see your custom TIE Fighter battles soon!

April 2007-Februay 2009,
TAC-PROF/FA Dempsey/CS-6/VSD Sinister



technical note: this course should be viewed at a minimum of 1024x768 pixels. It has been optimized for Mozilla Firefox.
Thanks to LC Tempest and LCM Zosite Konstyte Styles for their input