At this moment the Tactical Office is running the following competitions:

Mission Creator of the Year
Iron Star - Platinum Ribbon
Iron Star - Gold Ribbon
Iron Star - Silver Ribbon
Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon
There will be two sets of medals awarded: for the Mission Creators who have the most missions released in 2008 (battles + frees combined), and for the creators who have the most battles released in 2008. HF released missions/battles are excluded.
Match the TAC
Iron Star - Gold Wings
Iron Star - Silver Wings
Iron Star - Bronze Wings
Every month, the TAC will release a free mission to fly through the TAC Office website. Your objective is to fly as close to the TAC's personal score on the mission as possible. 1st place will receive 1 point, 2nd will receive 2 points, etc.

Every month, the three pilots with the closest score will win an IS-GW/SW/BW.

At the end of the year, several more pilots shall be awarded:

  • An IS-GW/SW/BW for the top 3 pilots per platform
  • An IS-GW/SW/BW for the top 3 pilots overall

    To determine overall score, and per platform score, your total score will be divided by the number of pilotfiles submitted. This will allow pilots to join the competition at later stages, while not giving them an unfair advantage.

    When the competition is over, all missions will be released onto the Compendium, and all pilotfiles submitted during the competition will be BSFd for FCHG/combat credits.

    The competition will utilize free missions for the three flying platforms TIE, XvT and XWA (BoP is considered to be the same as XvT, so no separate missions for BoP will be used). All missions will be kept patch-free except for the EHSP. Not all missions will require the EHSP.

    All TIE scores will be laserless as usual.

    TACcy Quotes
    Iron Star - Gold Ribbon
    Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon
    In each TAC report of 2008, there will be a TACcy Quote. First person to let me know from which movie it is wins an IS-BR. If you win a 3rd time, you get an IS-GR.